Jacht is a full-service advertising agency located in the Haymarket. Our team is full of talented students who work with a range of clients to build brands they’re truly proud of. We are looking for students from any major at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln who are wanting a taste of the advertising and media production world and are ready to dive into the spring semester with real-world agency experience.
Applications will be open from Monday, August 31 to Monday, September 14. Applications can be found at our website, https://www.jacht.agency.
Positions available include: Social Media Specialist, Copywriter, Videographer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Web Designer, Brand Strategist and our brand new Public Relations Specialist position.
We are also looking for a person to assist with our Diversity and Inclusion initiative whether as part of one of these positions or as a separate position.
You do not have to be in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications to apply.