Famous Open House and the Let's Get Mystical zine

Famous - the Fresh Produce summer internship program
Famous - the Fresh Produce summer internship program

We're excited to invite you to the Famous Open House on Wednesday, December 2nd. This virtual open house is an opportunity for us to introduce Famous, the Fresh Produce summer internship program. Students are invited to ask questions about Famous, and learn more about Fresh Produce. Our team also lovingly created a Let's Get Mystical zine, an insider's guide to applying for Famous: https://issuu.com/pickfreshsd/docs/ffm-2984-2021-famouszine-digital-page-interactive

We ask that students register for the hour-long (4-5 pm) Famous Open House here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/famous-open-house-tickets-129928903849, and we will send you a Zoom link prior to the event date.
