The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently funded the Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center (NIAC) to have a team of university-based faculty and student engineers provide no-cost energy, productivity, and waste assessments for small and medium sized manufacturers in the region. The NIAC completed the required training and started providing one-day assessments in early 2017.
Typical areas reviewed include air compressors, motors, boilers, cooling towers, steam systems, lighting, manufacturing processes that have significant energy usage, and cybersecurity risks. The NIAC team will also perform a detailed analysis of the client’s energy bills. After the site visit, the NIAC will prepare a comprehensive report providing specific details on all cost-saving opportunities identified during the assessment, including applicable rebates and incentives.
This position will work with the Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center. The specific tasks include reviewing and editing technical reports, preparing case studies of previous assessments, updating the Center's website, and working with state and local partners to promote the Center. Some experience with technical writing will be helpful.
Tasks will involve working with teams of undergraduate and graduate students, and the energy engineers. Good communications skills are required.
Please send CV, transcripts and letter of interest by September 14, 2018 to:
Dr. Bob Williams
Director, NIAC