If you're famous for wearing red, you're an ADPR, BRDC, JOUR or SPMC major and love the CoJMC, then becoming a CoJMC Ambassador is the perfect gig for you! You'll get PAID to represent our college through various recruitment activities such as phone calls to prospective students (yes, there will be pizza) and at recruitment events throughout the year (less pizza, more fun faces).
You can share your experiences with prospective students and their families at the Nebraska Union, lead group tours through the CoJMC, travel to area high schools with faculty for workshops and create relationships with CoJMC alumni and special guests.
*This application is for the 2018-19 academic year.*
Application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17j9WUFTiSGjqZ13mHVk_id-VDK83Yiqzx5xzUQ2Dtcg/edit