American Public Media: Associate Editor, Public Insight Network

CoJMC career opportunity
CoJMC career opportunity

Company: American Public Media | Minnesota Public Radio
Job Title: Associate Editor, PIN
Job #: 187-12

We are seeking a top-notch copy and online production editor to join a new, creative and ambitious reporting venture at the Public Insight Network from American Public Media.

PIN is a pioneering crowd-sourcing venture that has uses unique digital tools to tap into the wisdom and experiences of the public. Some 60 newsrooms rely on 140,000+ “sources” in our national network for commentary, expertise, story ideas, fact-checking and more. It is public engagement at its first and best.

Now we’re taking it to the next level with our own crew of reporters who will produce original content. We have a senior editor who will guide the vision of our major projects and coordinate collaborative reporting projects among our member newsrooms. We have three veteran reporters whose range is as eclectic as it is deep. And we have a stellar team of PIN analyst/journalists who know the network inside out, nurture relationships with sources and work with partner newsrooms.

What we need to complete our team is a sharp-eyed copy and production editor to make sure the work we push out is as sharp, clean, contextual and well-organized as it can be on any platform.

We aren’t looking for a techie who knows a little bit of journalism. Rather, we’re looking for an experienced, principled journalist who is new media, multi-media and social media savvy. In other words, you’re the well-rounded news editor who has embraced your inner geek.

For a complete job description and to apply online, please follow this link:

American Public Media is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage candidates with a diversity of life experiences to apply.

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