Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Grace Kim of Lincoln as winner of the June “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
A 4-H volunteer for over six years, Grace has helped in a variety of roles:
• Co-leader of the Boots N’ Hooves 4-H horse club.
• A superintendent at the Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H Horse Shows.
• Member of the Horse Volunteers in Program Service (VIPS) committee and helping at the Pre-District Horse Show.
• Assisted youth and families in her club and Prairie Star 4-H club in preparing for the Lancaster County Super Fair, State 4-H Horse Exposition and open horse shows.
• Organized Horsemanship Levels Testing Prep Clinics.
• Coached a Lancaster County Junior quiz bowl team which earned grand champion at the 4-H Horse Stampede.
“I like being a 4-H volunteer because I can share my passion of showing horses with the younger generation,” she says. “Seeing youth grow into young adults that are successful in their careers after 4-H is what makes it worth it. My favorite experience is ‘sending off’ my senior girls on senior night at the county fair. A very emotional night as everyone expresses their love and support for the aging-out youth and seeing the accomplished 4-H careers the youth have had.”
Lancaster County 4-H thanks Grace for donating her time and talents. People like her are indeed the heart of 4-H!