Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Jen and Jesse Metcalf of Lincoln as co-winners of the June “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
They have volunteered for 4-H about 8 years, assisting with the 4-H rabbit show at the Lancaster County Super Fair, which consists of 11 events spanning 3 days. They also help at the annual spring rabbit show and with the South Prairie 4-H rabbit club. Jen is currently the leader of the South Prairie club. Jesse is a former leader of the club and serves on the Lancaster County 4-H Rabbit Volunteers in Program Service (VIPS) committee.
Jen says, “I like watching the kids get excited and learn new things about rabbits. My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer is being at the Lancaster County Super Fair.”
Jesse says, “I like working with other adults who are passionate about 4-H and about helping youth. I like helping others while learning new things myself.”
Lancaster County 4-H thanks Jen and Jesse for donating their time and talents. People like them are indeed the heart of 4-H!