Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County NEBLINE - June 2021

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Choosing Quality Child Care: Guidance For Parents

Finding quality child care near your location might seem like an overwhelming task. The Voices for Children organization reported in their Kids Count in Nebraska 2019 Report that 77.1% of all available parents in Nebraska are in the workforce, and nearly 80% of children ages 0–5 are in... Continue reading…


Eastern Carpenter Bees

Photos by Jody Green, Extension Educator in Douglas/Sarpy CountiesAlthough they may look like fuzzy bumble bees, the eastern carpenter bee is more often a pest than a pollinator. Reports of these large bees damaging wood structures around homes and buildings have increased the past couple of years in Nebraska, so it’s important to know how to manage them. Continue reading…


Eating for Brain Health

food-865102_1920-1200.jpgWe all have those days when we feel more forgetful than others. You may have heard that a number of factors can affect our memory including lack of sleep, lifestyle, environmental changes and genetics. But, did you know your diet can also impact your brain health? Continue reading…


Efficiency Is Key To Profit On Stocker Cattle

(Photo by Connor Biehler)Spring green-up is currently occurring and soon yearling cattle will find their way to the grass pastures of the great plains for summer grazing. Cattle are stocked on grass pasture this time of year due to its additional nutritive quality that equates to gains prior to entering the feedlot. Continue reading…


Common Grub Control Questions

Masked Chafer Adults - Center photoAlmost every gardener has seen grub larvae in the soil while installing new plants or tilling the vegetable garden. The term “white grub” actually encompasses the larval stage of several scarab beetles, the most common and most damaging, being the June beetle and the Japanese beetle. Continue reading…


June Garden Guide

GardenGuide.jpgCelebrate Pollinator Week, June 21-27, by planting native perennial plants and placing a bee house in your landscape.

Start a gardening notebook. Keep all your gardening records in this one location. Continue reading…


Watch Ducks Hatch on EGG Cam

Pencil Runner ducklingsLancaster County 4-H’s EGG Cam allows you and other viewers around the world to witness the amazing process of chicks hatching! This hatch will feature ducks! Ducks hatch date: June 10–11.


Extension News — Soni Cochran Transfers

SoniCochran1 (1) adj 1200.jpgSoni Cochran has been a familiar face in the Lancaster County Extension office for over three decades. In 1993, she was hired as Extension Assistant – Educational Resources. Since then, she has served many roles, including pests and wildlife education, helping establish Earth Wellness Festival... Continue reading…

Originally published May 19, 2021 - Submit an Item