If you have a strong interest in gardening and enjoy helping others, you are invited to become a Nebraska Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
This program will increase your knowledge and understanding of horticultural topics such as:
• Best cultural practices for growing flowers, vegetables and turf.
• Plant disease and insect pest identification.
• Control methods.
• Much more.
Instructors are Extension specialists, educators, associates and horticulture professionals.
To become a Master Gardener volunteer, you must attend all training sessions, pass an examination and volunteer for Extension educational programming. Volunteer opportunities include answering gardening questions from the public, teaching 4-H youth gardening, assisting at the county or state fair and assisting community garden participants, among many others.
Training class size is limited. Those participating in the 2022 training class must pay a $225 materials fee. There are two options for Master Gardener Training in Lincoln.
Announcing the 2022 Master Gardener training program, which will begin February 2022. Training hours are during the day, online and in person. For additional information, you may call Mary Jane Frogge at 402-441-7180. Application deadline is Friday, Jan. 14. To apply online, visit https://lancaster.unl.edu/mastergardener.
Master Gardener 2022 training program will begin January 2022. Training hours are in the evening and online. For more information, contact Terri James at 402-472-8973. Apply online at http://mastergardener.unl.edu/master-gardener-application.
Do not miss this opportunity to increase your gardening knowledge and the chance to share it with others in the community.