Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Bethany Bettenhausen of Lincoln as winner of the April “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
Bethany has volunteered for two years in Nebraska but previously was a project leader in Missouri. She is leader of the Prairie Explorers 4-H club, which includes Clovers Kids (ages 5-7) and traditional 4-H’ers (age 8 & up). The club meets twice a month — once for a youth-led business meeting, songs, games and demonstrations, and once for a project, service or field trip. The club is being recognized as a 2022 Nebraska 4-H Club of Excellence! Bethany has also helped staff shifts at 4-H Council’s food stand during the Lancaster County Super Fair.
“I love getting to help my club members learn to lead,” she says. “It is really rewarding to see them grow in leadership and personal confidence. It is so fun to introduce the members to new project areas and to watch them develop new skills. It is awesome to see kids go from barely speaking at all to completing a demonstration up in front of everyone. The club comradery is really neat to experience, especially around fair time or with service opportunities.”