Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and professors from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln have engaged youth in two Photovoice projects to better understand youth’s perspectives and foster youth-centric community development. Continue reading…
In honor of sharing cultural diversities, this recipe originates from Middle Eastern cuisine. Baharat is a Middle Eastern spice blend. The spice blend can be used on meats, rice and in many dishes, including tilapia. Continue reading…
Fruit trees will soon be blooming, marking the beginning of another growing season. Many diseases become active during blooming, so it’s time to prepare to protect your trees and ensure a good harvest. If your trees have a history of these common disease problems, start preparing now for control. Continue reading…
Buy a notebook and use it to keep all your gardening information. List what you plant in the garden. Include the name of seed company, plant name, variety, planting date and harvest date. During the growing season keep notes on how well the plant does. If the variety is susceptible to disease, Continue reading…
Chemigation is the practice of applying agrichemicals to cropland using an irrigation system to distribute both the water and chemical. Chemigation certification lasts 4 years, so please check your certification license or verify expiration online at Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability (UNL CAP) will present a Farm and Ranch Transition and Estate Planning Workshop on Tuesday, March 7, 1–4 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Continue reading…
Saturday, March 25, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County Conference Rooms at 444 Cherrycreek Rd., Suite A, Lincoln. Cost is $20 per person and Includes light breakfast, lunch and a copy of the book “May There Always Be Sunshine.” Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H members Clare Bauman and Kylie Hansen were part of a 16-member Nebraska delegation who attended National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia on Nov. 25–29. 4-H’ers attended numerous educational workshops, cultural events and completed service-learning projects. Continue reading…
Several Nebraska Youth attended the Western National Roundup’s Horse Classic on Jan. 5–7, 2023 in Denver, Colorado. In order to qualify, each team and individual were required to win the state competition. Continue reading…
In January 2023, 17 4-H Teen Council members organized and led the overnight 4-H Lock-In for 31 4th and 5th graders. This year, teens chose the theme, “Neon Night,” and divided into three committees: games, crafts and food. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Trevor Kauer of Lincoln as winner of the March “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. Trevor has volunteered with 4-H for nearly 10 years in three states, including three years in Nebraska. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Bethany Bettenhausen of Lincoln as winner of the April “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. Bethany has volunteered for two years in Nebraska but previously was a project leader in Missouri. Continue reading…
Unified Showing is a 4-H club which empowers youth with disabilities through learning about and showing lambs with the aid of youth buddies. The club will practice once a week throughout the summer and then exhibit lambs in a special class at the Sheep Show during the Lancaster County Super Fair. Continue reading…
The Pick A Pig 4-H club is for anyone who wants to learn about raising livestock and show a pig at the Lancaster County Super Fair. The club is open to all city and rural youth ages 8–18. Youth ages 10 and up are preferred. Pigs are provided and kept at a local farm. Continue reading…
The 4-H Spring Rabbit Show will be held on Saturday, March 18, 9 a.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Exhibit Hall. Open to all youth ages 8–18, with a Clover Kids class for youth ages 5–7. Continue reading…
University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Chick Days for small and back-yard poultry producers and youth will be held on Saturday, March 25, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Department of Animal Science, 3940 Fair St., Lincoln on UNL East Campus. Cost is $10/youth and $25/adult. Continue reading…
The annual Spring Fling Dressage Schooling Show, presented by the Lancaster County Horse VIPS committee and Esprit De Corps 4-H Club, will be held on Saturday April 29, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Open to all ages to benefit the 4-H horse program. Continue reading…
The Lancaster County Extension Board serves as an advocate for Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. Members of the board are appointed by the Lancaster County Board of Commissioners. Continue reading…
Nominations are now being accepted for the following awards, which will be recognized at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds VIP Banquet to be held at a date TBA after the 2023 Super Fair. All forms can be found at and are due April 15. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County upcoming events are listed in our online event calendar at View by week, month, year or upcoming.
The NEBLINE newsletter is published by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and is available in print, e-newsletter, PDF and audio versions. Learn more at
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4‑H - Lancaster County" weekly e‑newsletter. Enrolled 4‑H families receive this e-newsletter every Friday. Anyone can view it at