Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Betsy Barent of Lincoln as winner of the June “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
She has gone above and beyond in her duties as Curriculum Specialist for Science at Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) to help with 4-H school enrichment programs. As a core part of the LPS science curriculum, third graders hatch chicks in their classrooms while learning about embryonic development. Betsy has collaborated with 4-H staff to implement lessons about eggs and chicks that are focused on traits and inheritance.
“I like being a 4-H volunteer because of the authentic learning experiences in which students get to engage,” Betsy says. “My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer is watching students be in awe of the chicks that hatch in their classroom. I am always so impressed with how much they care for the chicks.”
Extension Associate Kate Pulec says, “Betsy also works great with our team to help provide additional communication to the teachers to support the success of the Embryology program. She and her team provide the schedule planning dates and always give input to make sure the teachers are successful in delivering the program to the third graders.”