Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County - NEBLINE - June/July 2024
PFAS are forever chemicals. Old landfills, industrial sites, firefighting foam and wastewater treatment discharge are just some of the ways PFAS can contaminate the environment. (Graphic courtesy of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency)
In March of 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new limits on six types of PFAS in drinking water. Of the thousands of PFAS in use, these six are believed to be the most prevalent in the environment: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS)... Continue reading…
Tar spot is a relatively new corn disease in Nebraska. It was first confirmed in a few eastern Nebraska counties in 2021, and has since been identified in all eastern counties, and as far west as Adams, Hall and Holt counties. Continue reading…
Lincoln has been designated as a Welcoming City for immigrants and refugees and is home to 30,000 refugees and immigrants from over 150 different countries (see Lincoln/Lancaster County Welcoming and Belonging Plan, Continue reading…
A traditional Middle Eastern recipe that will also be featured in the developing infant and toddler nutrition education materials is Biryani. This recipe is most commonly eaten with Jajic (featured in the Oct. 2023 Nebline) and, together, they include all MyPlate food groups... Continue reading…
Nothing is more disappointing to the home vegetable gardener than to raise a tomato plant, finally have it loaded with fruit, when suddenly it wilts and dies. What could be the problem? Possible causes include lack of water, fungal wilt diseases, tomato spotted wilt virus, walnut toxicity and stalk Continue reading…
Sunshine is synonymous with summertime fun, but for parents, it can also mean sunburn worries. Here’s how to create lasting summer memories while keeping your child safe in the sun. Continue reading…
The phrase, “Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” is more than just a nighttime farewell; it also serves as a reminder for a very real and common problem. Bed bugs are small insects that infest homes, bite and feed on blood and are most often found in places where people spend a Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Betsy Barent of Lincoln as winner of the June “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
She has gone above and beyond in her duties as Curriculum Specialist for Science at Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) to help with 4-H school... Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Jessica Marsh of Lincoln as winner of the July “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
She is co-leader of the Lancaster Leaders 4-H club, and helped start the club 5 years ago. Continue reading…
Two Lancaster County 4-H youth were among the 2024 Nebraska 4-H Foundation scholarship winners:
• Clara Johnson received the Rose and Guy Richard McDonald Scholarship for $1,000.
• Christina Xu received the Women in STEM Scholarship for $1,000. Continue reading…
The National 4-H Council has created CLOVER, a new platform in educational technology. With over 190 interactive activities online, CLOVER caters to learners from ages 5 to 18. Through the CLOVER site, users can earn rewards and customize their experiences as they progress through the activities. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H Council is one of the nonprofits the community can give donations to during “Give to Lincoln Day” hosted by Lincoln Community Foundation. Your donation is increased by a proportional share of a $650,000 challenge match fund! Continue reading…
All youth, as well as adults, may test their knowledge of plants through two upcoming plant science online contests. Study materials are online at
• Lancaster County 4-H Online Tree ID and Grass & Weed ID Contests will be open from Friday, June 7, 9 a.m. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H Clover College is four days of in-person, “hands-on” workshops. It will be held June 11–14 at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Youth must be at least 6 years old (as of June 11) to attend — need not be enrolled Continue reading…
Rebekah Irish is an instructor of equestrian science at Black Hawk College and coaches their Western and Hunt Seat Show Team. Rebekah is ready to help you reach your goals as a horseman, help improve your riding skills and develop a deeper connection with your horse. Continue reading…
Extension Educator Hayley Jackson will present a Babysitting Training open to youth ages 10–15 on two separate dates: Friday, June 28 or Monday, July 15. Both will be offered 9 a.m.–3 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Continue reading…
• 10 Days of Fair Fun Aug. 1–10, 2024
• 4-H & FFA Exhibits & Events Aug. 1–4
• 4-H Horse Shows July 31–Aug. 4
• Sandhills Global Event Center, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H Summer Camps provide all youth a place to discover, learn and grow. 4-H Camp 101 is offered to youth ages 8–10. Power of Being Green is offered to youth ages 8–14. More information at
• Chadron: June 1-5 – Power of Being Green 4-H Camp... Continue reading…
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4‑H - Lancaster County" weekly e‑newsletter. Enrolled 4‑H families receive this e-newsletter every Friday. Anyone can view it at
The NEBLINE newsletter is published by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and is available in print, e-newsletter, PDF and audio versions. Learn more at
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County upcoming events are listed in our online event calendar at View by week, month, year or upcoming.