National Groundwater Awareness Week is March 9–15, making it the perfect time to talk about groundwater in Nebraska! What exactly is groundwater? It is the water below the earth’s surface that fills the interconnected voids and cracks in and around soil particles, sand, gravel and rock... Continue reading…
March is National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, focusing attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits. This year’s theme is “Food Connects Us.” Continue reading…
Celebrate National Nutrition Month with this flavorful, nutrient-dense, Wild Vegetable Salad, featuring a variety of colorful vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean protein.
(Yield: 6 servings)
• 1 cup wild rice
• 3 cups low-sodium vegetable broth... Continue reading…
After waiting all winter for a new growing season to start, when spring finally does arrive, it seems to hit us hard and fast. Then before we know it, spring is gone and we’re in the middle of summer.
There are many tasks to accomplish in the spring landscape. Continue reading…
Join the experts from Nebraska Extension to learn and ask questions about:
3/12 — Rain Gardens: Where to Use Them/What to Plant in Them • Kelly Feehan
4/9 — Trees to Plant & Trees to Avoid • Elizabeth Exstrom
5/14 — Consider These Natives • Scott Evans
6/11 — Garden Friends • Kait Chapman Continue reading…
Buy a notebook and use it to keep all your gardening information and records. List what you plant in the garden. Include the name of seed companies, plant names, varieties, planting date and harvest date. During the growing season, keep notes on how well the plant does. Continue reading…
There are immense benefits to outdoor play for young children. But what about when the skies open up and the rain starts to fall? Many are tempted to retreat indoors, but rainy weather offers unique opportunities for learning and development. Continue reading…
Groundwater nitrate has been a problem in Nebraska and throughout the Midwest for many decades and is growing in its scope and severity across our state. As crop producers, we have proven production practices to help reduce the movement of nitrate into the groundwater. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H and 4-H Council presented the Lancaster County 4-H Achievement Celebration on Thursday, Feb. 13. The Lancaster County Board of Commissioners proclaimed Feb. 13 as “4-H Achievement Day.”
In January, 27 4-H Teen Council members organized and led the overnight 4‑H Lock-In for 33 4th and 5th graders. This year, teens chose the theme, “Under the Sea,” and divided into three committees: games, crafts and food. At the Lock-In, attendees rotated through each of the three groups... Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H members Ethan and Morgan Gabel were part of an 11-member Nebraska delegation attending the National 4‑H Congress in Atlanta, Ga. on Nov. 29–Dec. 3. National 4‑H Congress is the premier leadership event for 4‑H’ers 15–19 years old. Continue reading…
This January, several Lancaster County 4-H youth represented Nebraska at the 4‑H & FFA Western National Roundup in Denver, Colo. in the Horse Classic Contests. Each team qualified by winning the Nebraska 4‑H statewide competitions. Continue reading…
Sarah Dilley of Lincoln is receiving the Lancaster County 4‑H March “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. She started volunteering four years ago, soon after she aged out as a 4‑H member. Continue reading…
Christian Stephenson of Lincoln is receiving the Lancaster County 4‑H April “Heart of 4‑H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. A Professor of Agronomy & Horticulture at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, he has taught plant science to 4‑H youth for two years. Continue reading…
The 4‑H Spring Rabbit Show will be held on Saturday, March 15, 9 a.m. at the Sandhills Global Event Center – South Hall. Open to all youth ages 8–18, with a Clover Kids class for youth ages 5–7. This is a great opportunity for youth to talk to other 4‑H’ers... Continue reading…
University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Chick Days for small and backyard poultry producers and youth will be held on Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Department of Animal Science, 3940 Fair St., Lincoln on UNL East Campus. Continue reading…
The Lancaster County Extension Board serves as an advocate for Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. Members of the board are appointed by the Lancaster County Board of Commissioners. The Extension Board provides guidance to Extension staff in establishing and accomplishing Extension education... Continue reading…
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4‑H - Lancaster County" weekly e‑newsletter. Enrolled 4‑H families receive this e-newsletter every Friday. Anyone can view it at
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County upcoming events are listed in our online event calendar at View by week, month, year or upcoming.
The NEBLINE newsletter is published by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and is available in print, e-newsletter, PDF and audio versions. Learn more at