In January, 27 4‑H Teen Council members organized and led the overnight 4‑H Lock-In for 33 4th and 5th graders. This year, teens chose the theme, “Under the Sea,” and divided into three committees: games, crafts and food. At the Lock-In, attendees rotated through each of the three groups, made friends, slept a little and had a lot of fun! More photos are at https://www.flickr.com/photos/unlextlanco/albums/72177720323339931.
Here’s what two of the teens said about this year’s 4‑H Lock-In.
“The 2025 4‑H Lock-In was a success! Teen Council chose an ‘Under the Sea’ theme and enjoyed decorating with sea-themed pictures, lights and even a scuba suit! We dressed up in ocean colors to fit the theme. The kids had tons of fun playing games, making jellyfish and other crafts, and eating snacks like octopus-shaped hot dogs. It was an exciting opportunity to teach and learn while also having fun with the kids and teens! The ‘Under the Sea’ Lock-In definitely made a huge splash!”
—Emma Thomson, Teen Council Secretary
“4‑H Teen Council held the 2025 4th and 5th grade Lock-In called ‘Under the Sea.’ It was a fun night not only for the 4th and 5th graders, but for the teens who helped plan, organize and lead the event. Youth played games, completed crafts and prepared food during the night’s activities. The Lock-In was a fun-filled evening that provided great learning experiences for youth and leadership opportunities for teens — enhancing communication skills and promoting 4‑H. I am happy I was able to participate in this event and look forward to another successful Lock-In next year.”
—Parker Hansen, Teen Council Historian