4-H Horse Teams at Nationals

(Top L–R) Horse Judging team: Shea Frink, Taeva Taylor, Kayla Isaacs and Cayle Callahan; (Bottom L–R) Hippology Team: Coach Ann Gillentine, Amelia Proffitt, Max Roberts and Ada Bordovsky
(Top L–R) Horse Judging team: Shea Frink, Taeva Taylor, Kayla Isaacs and Cayle Callahan; (Bottom L–R) Hippology Team: Coach Ann Gillentine, Amelia Proffitt, Max Roberts and Ada Bordovsky

This January, several Lancaster County 4-H youth represented Nebraska at the 4‑H & FFA Western National Roundup in Denver, Colo. in the Horse Classic Contests. Each team qualified by winning the Nebraska 4‑H statewide competitions.

Lancaster County Horse Judging team of Cayle Callahan, Shea Frink, Kayla Isaacs and Taeva Taylor (coached by Roger Bell) earned 4th in reasons, 3rd in performance, 5th in halter and 3rd high team overall. Cayle Callahan received 9th individual in halter. Kayla Isaacs received 6th individual in performance, 9th individual in reasons and 9th high individual overall. Taeva Taylor received 5th individual in performance and 7th high individual overall.

Lancaster County 4‑H’ers Amelia Proffitt and Max Roberts were on the Lancaster/Saunders County Hippology Team which earned 3rd place in judging phase! Max Roberts received champion individual in horse judging phase. Ameila Proffitt received 6th individual in horse judging phase.