Five Questions and Answers
One recent event. Your research. Together for a series called "Five Questions and Answers on..." Continue reading…
One recent event. Your research. Together for a series called "Five Questions and Answers on..." Continue reading…
Check out the great activities planned for the next two months: faculty colloquia, festive parties, and outside speakers, including a Lane Lecture by Paul Clement! Continue reading…
Scoff if you will, but College of Law Faculty are dominating Twitter, the social media darling. Continue reading…
Professor Sandra Zellmer's casebook, Natural Resources Law, 2d, has been published by West. Continue reading…
Professor Kristen Blankley’s article “Adding By Subtracting? How Limited Scope Agreements for Dispute Resolution Representation Can Increase Access to Attorney Services” has been accepted for publication by the Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution. Continue reading…
Anna Shavers, professor of law, has been appointed by Gov. Dave Heinemann to serve on Nebraska's task force on human trafficking. She will serve as co-chair of the research subcommittee. Continue reading…
Professor Christal Sheppard was quoted in three different articles on Friday, August 24th. The Wall Street Journal ran two stories in which Sheppard was quoted: "Apple Gets Big Win in Samsung Case" and "Apple Victory Sends Fear Through Android System." She also was a guest blogger on Patently-O. Continue reading…
Numerous Nebraska Law Faculty are presenting at the annual Nebraska State Bar Association Meeting in October. Continue reading…
Many faculty members volunteered to serve as 1L Advisors this year - a crucial position that gives a friendly face and necessary advice to new law students. Also, several professors led small groups during the Professionalism and Ethics Program during orientation. Continue reading…
Professor Adam Thimmesch's article, "The Illusory Promise of Economic Nexus," has been accepted for publication by the Florida Tax Review. Continue reading…
Professor Frans von der Dunk's article, "Regulating the Final Frontier," was published in the September/October 2012 edition of The Futurist ( In the article, von der Dunk argues for robust regulation of private enterprises involved with space activities. Continue reading…
Professor Josephine Potuto was quoted in an August 17 article on Yahoo! Sports, "North Carolina's widening academic scandal could be test case for the NCAA's newfound power" ( Continue reading…
The Progressive Radio Network interviewed Professor Richard Moberly about the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley's whistleblower provisions. Also, Corporate Counsel Magazine interviewed and quoted Moberly regarding the new whistleblower ombudsperson position for the Department of Justice. Continue reading…
Read the latest recommendation from the folks at Gonzaga's Institute for Law Teaching and Learning. Continue reading…
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