A recent blog post on The Faculty Lounge noted that law school professors have begun to have a presence on Twitter, with over 200 law professors send out tweets: http://www.thefacultylounge.org/2012/07/the-distribution-of-law-professor-twitter-users-part-ii.html#more
Nebraska Law actually is leading the pack, with 13 professors tweeting, by far the most of any law school in the country:
Kristen Blankley: @ADR_Prof
Beth Burkstrand-Reid; @beth_burkstrand
Rich Leiter: @rleiter
Colleen Medill: @ColleenMedill
Richard Moberly: @Richard_Moberly
Harvey Perlman: @Harvey_Perlman
Sandy Placzek: @research_prof
Susan Poser: @SusanPoser
Kevin Ruser: @kevinruser
Anthony Schutz: @anthony_schutz
Anna Shavers: @ambersmother
Brett Stohs: @LawProfStohs
Sandi Zellmer: @SandraZellmer
These professors have a total of 3,729 followers (as of Friday, August 30) - even though many only began tweeting this summer. (Admittedly this number is boosted by Harvey's 2,297 followers and Rich Leiter's 723 followers, but still - this is impressive in such a short time!)
In addition, the College of Law sends an active feed of information through Twitter: @UNLCollege of Law has 235 followers, the Law Library (@schmidlibrary) has 1,199 followers, the Space, Cyber, and Telecomm Program (@spacecyberlaw) has 409 followers, and the Career Office (@UNLLawCareer) has 125 followers!
Wondering what all the fuss is about? We will have a brown bag lunch on September 21 to talk about Twitter and how you can use it to publicize your scholarship, communicate with your students, and make contacts in the media. It may not be for everyone, but don't scoff until you hear more about the success experienced by your colleagues when they started using Twitter!