Sept. 3 Labor Day – no classes
Sept. 7 3:40 Yuetter Seminar Distinguished Visiting Professors: Bill Davey, Univ. of Illinois Law College (Guy Raymond Jones Chair emeritus) and former Director, Legal Affairs Division, World Trade Organization; Hamann Auditorium
Sept. 13 4:00 Berkshire Professorship Celebration @ Law College
Sept. 14 Noon Mel Shinn Day Picnic
7 pm Angels Theater Production – Boy Meets Girl @ Auditorium
Sept. 18 12:10 Faculty Meeting
Sept. 21 Noon Brown Bag Lunch Series: How to Use Twitter to Advance Your Scholarship and Teaching
Sept. 21 5:00 MCLS/BLSA Game Night at Gradwohl's
Sept. 27 4:00 Prof. Moberly S.T.I.R. Talk
Sept. 27 6-8 pm Women's Law Caucus Wine and Cheese Social - Prof. Burkstrand-Reid's house
Sept. 28 Noon Lane Lecture - Paul Clement
Oct. 2 12:10 Faculty Meeting
Oct. 8 12:10 BIG 10 Speakers Series: Professor Matt Finkin, Illinois
Oct. 11 12:00 Kristiina Kangaspunta, Executive Officer, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). Tentative title for the talk is Human Trafficking: A Global and Local Perspective.
Oct. 15 Fall Break – no classes
Oct. 17 4:00 Prof. Berger S.T.I.R. talk
Oct. 18 Noon Faculty CLE Speaker: Robert Audi
Oct. 19 Noon Brown Bag Lunch Series: Zotero and Organizing Your Research (reprise)
Oct. 22 Noon Faculty Colloquium: Ben Trachtenberg
Oct. 25 Noon NSBA Meeting: Alumni Lunch @ Embassy Suites La Vista
Oct. 30 9:00 8th Circuit arguments held at College @ Auditorium
Oct. 31 Trick or Treat at the Law College
Upcoming CLE Events at the Law College:
Sept. 21: Annual Institute
Oct. 4-5: NATA Seminar