You may have noticed something new on the Faculty web page: a series of five questions and answers on a research topic: http://law.unl.edu/facstaff/index.shtml The goal of this great idea by Molly is to make the faculty page dynamic and relevant by highlighting a professor's thoughts on some recent event related to the professor's scholarship.
Unfortunately, Molly started with me as a guinea pig. Right now the Five Questions and Answers relate to whistleblowing (I know, I know, if you only have one hammer, every thing looks like a nail...). I agreed to do it because I think it is a great way to make our scholarship accessible to the general public, our current students, and even prospective students who are learning about the Law College and its faculty.
If you think people might find your take on a current event interesting, jot down 5 Q&A's and Molly will put it up on the web. For example, one could write on the Penn State athletic sanctions, drone warfare, the space mission to Mars, a recent Supreme Court decision, the new Ag bill, the drought and water rights, human trafficking, crowd funding, the new patent act - these are just ideas - I am not targeting any one person (nor am I leaving anyone out intentionally! I just got tired of writing topics down).
Doing the Q&As can be easy. I took mine from an op-ed piece I wrote that never placed anywhere. Very rarely do I get to turn failure into something slightly better than failure.
The best reason for you to write up something is so that your Q&A's can replace mine - I am sure yours will be better. So, if you would like to do a series, please let Molly or me know.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter. Our faculty has been doing some great things - even in just the 2 weeks since the last newsletter. Orientation was a huge success, due in large part to Dean Pierce and her staff's efforts, but also because many faculty pitched in to help. During this past fortnight our faculty published casebooks, had articles placed, and gave interviews to the media. And we have a great month ahead in September - I encourage you to check out the calendar of events for the next two months in this newsletter. The calendar for the entire year can be found on the Wiki: lawfacwiki.unl.edu (this newsletter would not be complete without a reference to the Wiki!).
During the next month as more great things happen for you, please let Molly or me know so that we can share them with our colleagues through this newsletter and with the broader world through Molly's efforts.
Kind regards,