Barrister's Ball Tickets on Sale Through Friday

Contact Mike Wehling at mike2009@WINDSTREAM.NET . *Friday is the last day to buy tickets!

For those of you unfamiliar with Barrister's Ball, it is a fun event put on by SBA every fall, and sometimes is referred to as Law School Prom. It gives everyone chance to relax from law school with good food, drinks and a chance to get dressed up for the evening. This year, Barrister's Ball will be on October 24th at 7:00 PM in the Ridnour Room at the Apothecary down in the Haymarket.

Tickets are $24 for SBA members and $30 for non-SBA members. If you are bringing a date who is a non-law student, the ticket price is what you paid. So SBA members bringing a non-law student will pay $24 for themselves and $24 for their date.

Your ticket will get you an excellent dinner and deserts starting at 7:30 PM. Your ticket also provides you with beer and wine throughout the night. For those that prefer non-alcoholic drinks, water, coffee and iced tea will be provided, or for $1 you may buy a soda. For those that want something beyond beer or wine, it is a cash bar for mixed drinks and the like. In addition there will be a DJ and a Photo Booth for your enjoyment.