FHWA Hands-on Concrete Seminars

Explore cutting-edge concrete technologies in the FHWA Mobile Concrete Technology Center September 6, 7, or 8.
Explore cutting-edge concrete technologies in the FHWA Mobile Concrete Technology Center September 6, 7, or 8.

The Federal Highway Administration’s Mobile Concrete Technology Center provides education and training to local transportation personnel on state-of-the-art concrete technology in materials selection, mixture design, field and laboratory testing, and pavement evaluation.

This is a unique opportunity to learn about the new Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) tests that deal with design and construction of concrete mixtures for performance. Additionally, the FHWA MCTC also showcases other new technologies related to concrete. Many of these technologies are state-of-the-art performance indicators and provide information in real-time. The demonstration and interactive opportunities for the new PEM test methods such as:

  • Super Air Meter (SAM): Cutting-edge technology to measure air void characteristics of concrete
    Surface Resistivity: Rapid measurement to indicate permeability of concrete
  • Box Test: Measurement of workability
  • V-Kelly: Measurement of workability
  • Phoenix: Measurement of freshwater content
Each 3-hour seminar includes classroom training and hands-on participation in the various advanced testing procedures and protocols. Choose from 3 individual sessions:
    Nebraska Department of Transportation
    1400 Highway 2
    Lincoln NE, 68509
    AM Session 9:00 - 12:00
    Norfolk (Depending on registration numbers)
    AM Session 9:00 - 12:00
    North Platte (Depending on registration numbers)
    AM Session 9:00 - 12:00
Note: Wednesday and Thursday Sessions depend on the number of participants.
Register through the Nebraska Concrete Paving Association.

More details at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=3wcyBInm9kuQIAEDjxHwsQAYaX6aN79KsNf_UCjEsDJUMTBQWkdXNVA3TlEySkhVOThSOEdJQThERS4u