I would like to present an opportunity for your local public agency to join a regional FHWA peer exchange to discuss and learn from other professionals from surrounding states about reducing rural roadway departures. As you know, the chances of fatalities and serious injuries increase significantly when a vehicle leaves the roadway or their lane. Nationwide, nearly one-third of traffic fatalities occur due to rural roadway departures. FHWAs Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FORRRwD) program aims to change that. The program relies on 4 pillars for implementation, including considering all public roads, using a systemic safety approach, proven countermeasures and safety action plans. If you want to learn more about the FORRRwD program, please consider attending the peer exchange in Omaha on September 13 and 14. FHWA will pay all expenses. If you are interested, please email me at mdoht2@unl.edu.