Hello Math Majors,
Welcome to the last quarter of the semester! I know that you have a lot of things going right now and that the Thanksgiving Holiday is next week. I imagine that many of you are just trying to get through this week with an eye to next week and Thanksgiving. I can completely understand those feelings, and the key is to keep working hard in small steps to reach your goals.
If you have been feeling a little down or a little empty at this point of the semester, you have resources that can help. The Big Red Resilience and Well-being program has a variety of resources to help you with the 9 Dimensions of Well-being: Career, Cultural, Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. Sometimes, it is difficult to think about well-being in 9 different dimensions, so it can be helpful to take an assessment to see where you are at. If you would like to take a well-being assessment, you can find one here: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b2QeJxTQYpvCWlT.
There have been times when I just felt like I needed to talk about what I was experiencing. If you feel like just having a conversation with someone would really help you going forward, the Big Red Resilience and Well-being program has Well-being Coaches that are trained to listen. You can learn about about what Well-being is and isn't, learn about the Well-being Coaches, and schedule a meeting with a Well-being Coach here: https://resilience.unl.edu/peer-coaches.
@huskers.unl.edu Email Address
Starting this summer, ALL University email messages are going to your @huskers.unl.edu email address regardless of your email preferences on MyRed. You MUST check your @huskers.unl.edu email address regularly to stay up-to-date with important announcements from the University. If you would like more information about this change, please visit https://its.unl.edu/helpcenter/student-email-migration/ and review the current student tab of information. All students will be expected to be reviewing their @huskers.unl.edu email address, so if you miss an important piece of information sent to this email, you will be held responsible for it. If you know your fellow classmates haven't switched over to using their @huskers.unl.edu email address, PLEASE give them this information.
Doug's Fall 2019 Advising Hours
Appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
30 minute and 60 minute appointments from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Click here for step by step instructions for creating an appointment on MyPlan!
Walk-in Wednesdays!
Walk-in meetings from 8:30-11:30 am and 1:00-3:30 pm
Dr. Radu's Fall 2019 Advising Hours
This fall, Dr. Radu will have advising hours on Mondays from 1:00-2:30 pm in 211 Avery Hall (just around the corner from the department office). Dr. Radu is also available by appointment, and you can contact her at pradu@unl.edu to set one up.