SVC Foundation College Scholarships

SVC Foundation College Scholarships
SVC Foundation College Scholarships

SVC Foundation College Scholarships

The Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) Foundation is offering several college scholarships to students interested in vacuum coating technology. The scholarships range from $2,500 to $5,000 each, and in the past, they have given out 5 to 6 scholarships per year. In some years, they have had only 10 applicants, so there is a significant advantage to good applicants over other more competitive scholarships. Preference is given to students studying/researching vacuum-coating related technologies (Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, …) that are academically successful, motivated, and can show financial need.

Full details can be found at the SVC Foundation website:

Application Deadline
December 5

Questions? Please contact

Information about the SVC Foundation can be found at