Math Department Events
Kristen Pfabe, Nebraska Wesleyan and Meggan Haas, UNL
Teaching Math in Prison - In the summer of 2019, we co-taught Intermediate Algebra at the Lincoln Correctional Center, a medium/maximum security men’s prison. We will share how this teaching opportunity came to be, how we prepared to teach the course, some of the highlights and challenges of teaching this diverse group and how we grew as teachers from the experience. We also will try to capture the sentiments of our students, who took our course very seriously, shared their anxieties freely and poured out gratitude often and with enthusiasm.
Friday, November 22 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
115 Avery Hall
Campus-Wide Events
Suitcase to Briefcase
Learn how to highlight the skills you gained from an international experience and incorporate them into your resumés, cover letters, and interviews. A representative from the Career Center will be here to help you communicate your new perspectives to future employers.
Monday, November 18 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm
Henzlik Hall Hub
Funded Opportunities: Presentation
Hear about international fellowship opportunities that are open to ALL students by attending one of Dr. Laura Damuth’s two presentations. She’ll discuss the Fulbright US Student Program, the Critical Language Scholarship, the Boren Award, and how to create a compelling application.
Tuesday, November 19 from 9:00 to 10:00 am in 141 Louise Pound Hall
Tuesday, November 19 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm in 121 Home Economics Building
Learning to Learn
An Academic Success Workshop
Study Skills: Navigate the college classroom and find study habits you need to succeed.
Tuesday, November 19 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
221 Love Library South
Breaking Through Politics: Meeting in the Middle
Learn how State Senators in Nebraska engage in civil discourse while working across the aisle. In this moderated panel conversation, five senators will share their experiences working with others despite different viewpoints. Panel participants: Senator Tom Brandt, Senator Myron Dorn, Senator Suzanne Geist, Senator Patty Pansing-Brooks, Senator Anna Wishart. Moderated by Associate Professor Rick Alloway.
Tuesday, November 19 from 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Nebraska City Campus Union Regency B/C
Intern and Research Abroad Panel
At UNL, you’re not limited to just taking classes abroad—you can also research or intern abroad! Education Abroad will host an alumni keynote speaker followed by a panel of students with different intern and research experiences.
Wednesday, November 20 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Nebraska City Campus Union Crib
International Internship Showcase
Students who have participated in internships abroad will share about the placement process and their experience working in another culture/country.
Thursday, November 21 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm
111 Hawks Hall
Preparing for the GRE
Presented by Dr. Lisa Rohde, associate director of Teaching and Research Development, Office of Graduate Studies, this workshop will provide an overview of the GRE—including how to register for the test, what to expect at the testing center, and types of questions you’ll find on the GRE. All students considering graduate school are invited to attend. Register at: https://research.unl.edu/events/event.php?eventID=4205.
Thursday, November 21 from 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Nebraska City Campus Union Auditorium
Big Red Resilience & Well-being Open House
Big Red Resilience & Well-being (BRRWB) will be hosting an open house for students, staff, and faculty to come together in their space in the University Health Center. The open house will feature a hot chocolate bar, a therapy dog, and a coat drive. During the open house, BRRWB will be distributing coats to students in need. To support the coat drive, you can:
1) Purchase coats to add to collection.
2) Identify students who are in need of coats and keep a sheet of sizes, including male and female coats.
3) Come and pick up the coat for the student if the student does not want to come and pick it up. We want to make it as easy as possible to get a coat.
Thursday, November 21 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Room 127 of the University Health Center
Please enter the University Health Center from the north doors (off the parking lot).
Using Innovative Technology to Examine Prospective Mathematics Teachers Learning to Plan and Enact Lessons
Presented by Lorraine M. Males, associate professor of mathematics education; Kelsey Quigley, graduate research assistant; and Scott Block, graduate research assistant. Curriculum materials are integral to the design of mathematics instruction; in fact, more than 80% of K-12 teachers use a textbook or curricular program for mathematics instruction. Furthermore, research indicates curriculum materials have a direct influence on what most mathematics teachers actually plan for and enact in their classrooms. Therefore, as mathematics teacher educators, understanding how prospective mathematics teachers learn to use curriculum materials to plan and enact instruction is an important focus of our research and practice.
Friday, November 21 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm
32 Henzlik Hall
UCARE Application Info Session
UCARE application info sessions introduce students to the UCARE program and provide guidance on finding a project, approaching a prospective mentor, and writing a strong application proposal. Join us to learn how you can receive $2,400 in funding in Summer 2020 or Academic Year 2020-21. Register at https://research.unl.edu/events/event.php?eventID=4215.
Monday, December 2 from 12:15 - 1:15 pm in Nebraska City Campus Union Heritage Room
Welcome to the NO CRAM ZONE
An Academic Success Workshop
Test Preparation: Predict test material and prepare for exams while keeping up in other classes.
Tuesday, December 3 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, December 4 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
221 Love Library South