Become a Math Alliance Predoctoral Scholar
Math Alliance Predoctoral Scholars are math sciences students, either undergraduates or students enrolled in a terminal Masters program, who come from ethnic groups, families, and/or regions that have had little prior experience with doctoral study in the mathematical sciences.
Scholars are selected by our Alliance Mentors using the following priorities:
(1) The student is a US citizen or permanent resident who comes from an ethnic group that is underrepresented in the mathematical sciences. Traditionally, these are students who are African American, Latina/o – Hispanic, American Indian – Native American, Alaskan Native or Pacific Islander. Please note that although participation in the Math Alliance is generally limited to US citizens or permanent residents, exceptions may be made in the case of DACA students or certain other categories of undocumented students.
(2) The student is not a minority student but is a US citizen or permanent resident and meets both of the following:
a) comes from an ethnic group, family and/or region that has had little prior experience with doctoral study in the mathematical sciences and,
b) would be unlikely to pursue graduate study in a mathematical science without benefiting from Alliance programs.
To become an Alliance Predoctoral Scholar:
(1) you must be nominated by an Alliance Mentor or
(2) If you are nominated by an Alliance Mentor to attend the Alliance Field of Dreams Conference, you will automatically become an Alliance Scholar.
Predoctoral Scholars are selected by our Alliance Mentors using the following broad criteria:
(1) The student has the potential to receive a doctoral degree in a mathematical science.
(2) The student is willing to consider this degree objective.
(3) Participation in the Alliance will substantially increase the likelihood that the student will enter into and succeed in a doctoral program in the mathematical sciences.
If you would like to apply to be an Alliance Scholar, please speak with an Alliance Mentor about nominating you! Within the Math Department at UNL, the following faculty are Alliance Mentors:
- Dr. Mikil Foss (221 Avery Hall, mikil.foss@unl.edu)
- Dr. Susan Hermiller (332 Avery Hall, hermiller@unl.edu)
- Dr. Glenn Ledder (334 Avery Hall, gledder@unl.edu)
- Dr. Petronela Radu (239 Avery hall, pradu@unl.edu)
- Dr. Richard Rebarber (330 Avery Hall, rebarber@unl.edu)
Right now, Drs. Foss, Hermiller, and Radu are on leave for the spring semester, but they will return for the Fall 2020 semester.
Benefits of being a Math Alliance Predoctoral Scholar include mentoring, assistance admission to certain REU programs, and attending the annual Alliance Field of Dreams Conference. More information about these benefits is available here: https://mathalliance.org/math-alliance-scholars/predoctoral-scholars/benefits/.
In addition, the Math Alliance maintains the Facilitated Graduate Applications Process (F-GAP), which is only available to Math Alliance Predoctoral Scholars. You can learn more about F-GAP here: https://mathalliance.org/fgap-information-for-students/. If you are interested in F-GAP, please visit with Dr. Ledder or Dr. Rebarber as soon as possible.