By Mia Azizah | Office of Global Strategies
Do you want to make the most out of your world and be the best Peace Corps volunteer you can be? All undergraduate students interested in serving in the Peace Corps or working in international development upon graduation are invited to apply for Peace Corps Prep , a new program established as a partnership between the Peace Corps and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The Peace Corps Prep program combines targeted coursework with hands-on experience to build the competencies needed to be Peace Corps volunteers or other intercultural fieldworkers. It is open to all undergraduates from all majors in good standing, with at least two semesters remaining. The interdisciplinary program is housed in Nebraska’s Education Abroad Office with the School of Global Integrative Studies serving as the academic partner.
In addition to completing coursework related to the six sectors of Peace Corps service, students will have access to special events throughout the semester, be mentored by Nebraska alumni who are local returned volunteers, complete the Intercultural Development Inventory assessment and volunteer together. Students may also receive up to a $5,000 scholarship to study or intern abroad in select locations related to the Peace Corps. Upon successful completion, students will receive a special certificate from the Peace Corps.
Applications for the program’s first cohort beginning next spring are due Oct. 15.
Nebraska’s program coordinator, Rebecca Baskerville, will host virtual information sessions about the program Oct. 5 at 3:30 p.m. and Oct. 13 at noon. Students can register in advance to attend, or can set up individual appointments with Baskerville via MyPLAN or email at rlbaskerville@unl.edu. The regional Peace Crops recruiter, Jessica Vandivort de Montiel, will also be available for questions at the upcoming virtual career fair from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 12 and 13.
While students are encouraged to apply for Peace Corps service after completing the program, they are not obligated to serve nor guaranteed acceptance. International students may also participate in the Peace Corps Prep program, but candidates serving in the Peace Corps must be U.S. citizens.
The Peace Corps sends Americans with a passion for service abroad on behalf of the United States to work with communities and create lasting change. Volunteers develop sustainable solutions to address challenges in education, health, community economic development, agriculture, environment and youth development. Since President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, more than 240,000 Americans of all ages have served in 142 countries worldwide.
More details at: https://educationabroad.unl.edu/peace-corps-prep