Advising Updates

UNL Mathematics
UNL Mathematics

Hello Math Majors,

I hope that you are doing well after the first four weeks of the semester, and I hope that you have been able to stay healthy so far this semester. Unfortunately, I have not been healthy over the past week, but I am getting better. The key thing is to keep in touch with your course instructors if you get sick to make sure that you are staying on top of your courses during your time away from in-person class meetings.

Since we are in the fifth week of classes this week, I want to spend some time discussing preparing for mid-term exams as I expect that many of you have mid-term exams coming up soon. Preparing for mid-term exams is something that is never easy, but doing your best to be prepared for a mid-term exam is going to make your life much easier.

The best way to start with preparing is to know what the exam is likely to cover, and you should look to your course instructor for clues as to way is most important. It is also best to study repeatedly over at least several days rather than all at once. My recommendation would be to break up your studying over all three days with a fourth day to bring everything back together.

Center for Academic Success and Transition also has a great guide to test preparation and test taking available at I would highly recommend reviewing the guide and putting it's ideas into practice.

Good luck with your exams!

Best wishes, Doug

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