The MathILy-EST REU focuses on first-year students, with second-year students and graduating high-school seniors also considered. They intentionally have a late deadline so that qualified students rejected from other REUs have a second chance, and so that they do not admit students who are ready for prestigious REUs.
MathILy-EST is an 8-week intensive summer research experience. Have you excelled in inquiry-based learning classes? Did you spend your pre-college career studying mathematics for fun? Do you want to try research in mathematics, but are too early in your college career to have the formal prerequisites that most research programs require? If your answer to any of those questions is yes, then MathILy-EST is for you.
MathILy-EST provides early research opportunities each year for nine college students who are deeply but informally prepared for mathematics research. The MathILy-EST REU is co-sited with MathILy ---participants work in spaces near the MathILy classrooms, and live in the same dormitory as MathILy instructors and high-school students.
All the details you might want --- including the research focus, stipend amount, application process, goals and expectations for participants, and prerequisites --- can be found on the facts page.
Application materials must be received by April 5, 2022. That includes the letters of recommendation --- speaking of which, a few words of advice. REUs of all kinds expect field-specific commentary on research readiness from recommenders, so the best advocates for a MathILy-EST applicant will be instructors who have done (or continue to do!) mathematics research themselves. College faculty are more likely than high-school teachers to have the requisite experience, with instructors at summer intensives likely somewhere in the middle.
Apply today at http://www.mathily.org/mathilyest/app.html!