Return of Pi Day!

Return of Pi Day!
Return of Pi Day!

Return of Pi Day!

The Math Department graduate students are excited to announce the return of the in-person AMS Pi(e) Day Celebration! On Monday, March 21, we will be holding a belated Pi Day event in Avery 348 from 2:30 - 4:30 PM.

As in years past (in the "before times"), we invite all math grads and faculty to bake their best pie to enter in the pie baking competition. The winner will receive a gift card to a local bakery to enjoy even more pie goodness. If you prefer eating pie over baking it, stop by any time during the event to sample the entries (or the bakery-purchased mini pies we will be providing).

If you have questions or concerns about this event, please let Brittany Johnson ( or Abbey D'Ovidio Long ( know. We hope to see you there and can't wait to see what delicious creations you come up with!