UNC-CH Mathematics Graduate Program
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) is accepting applications for its graduate program (MS and PhD) in Mathematics until December 13th to be considered for departmental assistantships and fellowships.
Program Funding and Information
Students are admitted into our PhD program as fully supported teaching assistants, and roughly half move to federally supported research grants. UNC also offers generous internal fellowships for which our students have successfully competed. Our PhD program offers flexible training opportunities, both within the department and through interdisciplinary partnerships with other departments, centers, and institutes. Our graduates have earned academic postdoctoral positions at top R1 universities in the US and abroad, at national labs, in industry, and many ultimately have gone into tenure track positions.
Chapel Hill is located in the beautiful Piedmont between the Appalachians and the Outer Banks, amid the Raleigh- Durham greater metropolitan area.
Interdisciplinary Partnerships and Affiliated Programs
• Carolina Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
• Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
• Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI)
Research Areas
Our faculty are internationally recognized leaders who have received external funding from numerous sources, including NSF, NIH, DOE, NSA, Burroughs Welcome, ONR, and AFOSR, NSF Research training grants in fluids, Department of Education GAANN fellowship programs, and a new NIH Big Data training grant. Our faculty include numerous fellows of the AMS and SIAM, working in research areas spanning:
Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
algebraic geometry, combinatorics, commutative algebra, complex manifolds, Lie groups and algebra, mathematical physics, representation theory, singularity theory
Analysis and PDE
complex analysis, dynamical systems, ergodic theory, harmonic analysis and operator theory, mathematical relativity, micro local analysis, partial differential equations
Applied and Computational Mathematics
applied and stochastic analysis, climate modeling, biophysics, neuroscience, computational methods, fluid dynamics, mathematical biology, material science, network science, nonlinear optics
For Application Forms, please see: https://gradschool.unc.edu/admissions/
For Further Information and Deadlines: https://math.unc.edu/graduates/prospective-student