Graduate Studies in Mathematics at West Virginia University
Interested in Graduate Studies in Mathematics at West Virginia University? WVU offers MS and PhD degrees in Mathematics and a variety of different research areas. WVU will be hosting virtual open houses on Saturday, December 3rd and Saturday, December 10th at 9-11 am CT. Click here to register for one of the option houses!
MS in Mathematics: Consists of two years of graduate level coursework and has Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics tracks.
PhD in Mathematics: Assumes a master’s level background in Mathematics and involves an additional three years of coursework and research experience.
Students are admitted into the MS or PhD program depending on their background. Students with a BS level background committed to pursuing a PhD should enter the Pure Mathematics MS track and can transition seamlessly into the PhD program.
Application Deadlines
Spring Semester: October 15
Fall Semester: January 15
Application Checklist
● Graduate application: https://graduateadmissions.wvu.edu/how-to-apply
● Transcripts
● Three letters of recommendation
● Statement of purpose
● English proficiency requirement score (international students only)
● GRE score not required
Students committed to pursuing a PhD are typically supported throughout their studies through Graduate Assistantships. In addition to a stipend, the support package includes a tuition waiver and personal health insurance paid by the University.
Click here to view the full flyer with information about research areas in the department!
Adam Halasz
Assistant Director for Graduate Programs
WVU School of Mathematical and Data Sciences