Iceland: People, Landscapes, and Sustainability in the Land of Fire and Ice
Dr. Buller and Dr. Young are leading an education abroad course experience in Iceland on May 31 to June 12. Students who participate in this experience will learn about language, innovation in politics, geothermal energy policy, and Icelandic practices and customs. Students will also get to experience how human and physical elements came together to create Iceland as it is today.
This education abroad course will be GEOG 497/897 for 3 credit hours, and it will run from May 31st to June 12th in 2023. You can visit https://go.unl.edu/iceland to learn more, and you can contact Dr. Buller (rbuller2@unl.edu), Dr. Young (ryoung@unl.edu), or casglobalexperiences@unl.edu with any questions.
Additionally, Dr. Buller and Dr. Young will be hosting a series of pop-in information sessions about their Iceland: People, Landscapes, and Sustainability in the Land of Fire and Ice program. These information sessions will be on:
Monday, November 14th at 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
935 Oldfather Hall on City Campus
Wednesday, November 16th at 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Goodding Learning Center, Plant Sciences Hall on East Campus
Tuesday, December 6th at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
On Zoom at https://go.unl.edu/iceland2023-zoom
The deadline to apply to participate in this program is February 1, 2023! Please visit https://go.unl.edu/iceland to apply!