Spring 2022 Pre-Law Workshops
The Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center (aka the Explore Center) has released their schedule of Spring 2022 Pre-Law Workshops. The Explore Center offers a lot of great workshops to help you on your path to admission to a law school.
Gaining Experience as a Pre-Law Student
Thursday, Feb. 24, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
There are many ways to gain experience as a Pre-Law student, with opportunities on-campus, in the local community, and beyond. With so many options, it can be hard to know where to begin getting involved. Attend this workshop to reflect on which skill sets you would like to develop as a Pre-Law student and plan for your involvement as you prepare to apply to law school.
Law School Essay Workshop
Tuesday, Mar. 1, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
This workshop will cover what law schools are looking for in personal statements and provide you with writing exercises to begin the process of developing your individual story in a strong and compelling manner. Co-presented with the UNL Writing Center.
Get to Know the LSAT
Thursday, Mar. 10, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
Pre-Law students of all grade levels are encouraged to attend this presentation on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Topics covered will include an overview of the exam and its sections, how to best prepare for the exam, practice LSAT opportunities, and timing of the test with law school admissions cycles.
Applying to Law Schools 101
Wednesday, Apr. 13, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
Learn about the application process for law school and how to prepare to submit your best application. We will cover topics like the timeline for applying, researching law schools, the components of the application (LSAT, personal statement, etc.), and more.
Please visit https://explorecenter.unl.edu/pre-law for more information about Pre-Law Advising from the Explore Center!