CAST Success Workshop Series Spring 2023
The Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) will be offering their Success Workshop series again for the Spring 2023 semester. All traditional workshops will be on Wednesdays at 5 pm in 221 Love Library South, and all international student workshops will be on Thursdays at 5 pm in 221 Love Library South. Here is a list of the workshops with a little information about them:
February 1
Time Keeps on Slippin’
Time Management: Learn to prioritize tasks and customize a schedule that will change your life!
February 2
Introduction to U.S. Academic Success
February 8
Listening in Lectures
Reading Strategies: Learn how pre-reading strategies can enhance in-class comprehension and participation.
February 9
Listening in Lectures
February 15
Switchboard Operator
Note Taking Strategies: Learn to make connections between classes and life through personalized note-taking.
February 16
Group Work
February 22
Procrastinators Unite ... Tomorrow
Creating Motivation: Kick procrastination to the curb and develop strategies to finish the semester strong!
February 23
Avoiding Plagiarism
March 1
Welcome to the NO CRAM ZONE
Test Preparation: Learn to study effectively and prepare for exams while keeping up in other classes.
March 2
How to Give Presentations
March 8
Subterranean Homework Blues
Critical Thinking: Dig into concepts and learn how to ask deeper-level questions beyond names, dates, and places.
March 22
Cicero on the Go
Class Presentations I: Learn to create and deliver presentations as impactful
as the great orators’!
March 29
Hello Out There
Class Presentations II: Strengthen your presentations through audience awareness and finding common ground.