Meteorology Journal Club - Tuesday, April 4th!

Meteorology Journal Club - Tuesday, April 4th
Meteorology Journal Club - Tuesday, April 4th

Meteorology Journal Club

Organized by Devon Healey, the Meteorology Journal Club meets again on Tuesday, April 4th at 2 pm in the Meteorology Lab (Bessey Hall Room 105). For Tuesday, April 4th, everyone planning to attend should try to read The Future of Supercells in the United States by Walker S. Ashley, Alex M. Haberlie, and Vittorio A. Gensini from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

The Meteorology Journal Club will meet most Tuesdays at 2 pm in the Meteorology Lab. If this needs to change later in the semester, the group will work together to make that happen.

Again, undergraduates are strongly encouraged to attend as this will be extremely beneficial for preparing you for any career path in meteorology you are planning - National Weather Service or research!

Questions? Please contact Devon Healey at