Volunteers needed: Women in Science Conference and Banquet - Friday, March 31st

Women in Science Conference and Banquet
Women in Science Conference and Banquet

Volunteers needed: Women in Science Conference and Banquet - Friday, March 31st


I am looking for a couple of volunteers to help out at the Annual Women in Science Conference and Banquet on Friday, March 31st. The volunteers would host a department display which would involve talking to visitors (high school students) about your experiences in our program and at UNL. The department display will run from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm on and volunteers are then invited to the banquet (free dinner!) at 6:00 pm. At the banquet, you will have dinner with female high school students from Nebraska and Kansas and their teachers. There will be some time for conversation with the students, during which you might answer questions about your experiences in your major and your career plans. There will also be a keynote speaker at the banquet.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at dawn.kopacz@unl.edu as soon as possible!

Thank you!

-Dr. Kopacz

Dawn Kopacz
Assistant Professor of Practice & Meteorology/Climatology Advisor
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
220C Bessey | (402) 472 - 2638 | dawn.kopacz@unl.edu
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