Voice Your Opinion on the EAS Department
Hello Everyone!!
My name is Logan, and I am your Graduate Student – Faculty Liaison (I sit in faculty meetings and voice our opinion for all of the graduate and undergraduate students).
That being said, I have created a survey. This is beneficial to both us and the faculty. The faculty have an annual report coming up that they would like to quantitative data to incorporate in their survey. I wanted to make this survey for us so that the faculty can get an idea of what we honestly think of the department, things we wanted changed, and just give our honest opinion of the climate of the department (no pun intended).
So this survey can take about 5 minutes if you fly through and just answer the questions. It takes about 10-15 minutes if you give some short responses to some of the questions that are asked. Those short answers are the best place for you to voice your opinion and explain what changes you want made or what you’d like to see!
So if we get 75% completion by Wednesday, May 10th, we will have a pizza party in the department on Friday, May 12th! So please share this with your lab mates, classmates, anyone in the department and make sure we are completing this! You have until 5pm on May 10th to complete this survey1!
Logan Soluri
Ph.D. Student
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
BESSY 211 B, UNL, 68588-0340