August 2023 NIC-Cast: Collaborating across special education and math education fields

Elizabeth Farrell, first person to teach a class of special education students in an American public school, teaches in her ungraded classroom in New York City, 1899
Elizabeth Farrell, first person to teach a class of special education students in an American public school, teaches in her ungraded classroom in New York City, 1899

Rachel Lambert, associate professor in the Gervitz Graduate School of Education at University of California Santa Barbara, presented “Collaborating Across the Fields of Special Education and Mathematics Education; Historical and Critical Perspectives” on Aug. 24. The talk was part of the monthly MTEP NIC-Cast webinar series.

The August NIC-Cast included a brief history of inclusion in education and of the fields of special education and mathematics education, exploration of the differences in research on math teaching and learning when students have disabilities, and discussion of the challenges with collaboration across the two fields in preservice. Lambert concluded the presentation by exploring the potential for solutions to these challenges, including expanding the math preparation of special educators, collaboratively designing/teaching classes, elevating disabled voices, and including disability in efforts to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion.

View the August NIC-Cast, presentation slides, recommended articles, and all previous NIC-cast recordings on OpenCanvas. Learn more about Rachel Lambert and access math and disability resources at