Introducing 'What's new with MTEP?'

Each quarter, we'll provide brief updates from our Outreach, Research, Support, and Admin hubs, along with exciting cross-hub initiatives.
Each quarter, we'll provide brief updates from our Outreach, Research, Support, and Admin hubs, along with exciting cross-hub initiatives.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new quarterly feature "What's New with MTEP?" designed to keep you informed and engaged with the latest happenings across the MTEP 2.0 leadership hubs. Each quarter, we'll provide brief updates from our Outreach, Research, Support, and Admin hubs, along with exciting cross-hub initiatives. Read the following updates to learn what’s new with MTEP.


  • The Recruitment subgroup met in April and is in the process of connecting with prospective new MTEP 2.0 members who attended informational sessions for minority-serving institutions held throughout the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • The Network Expansion subgroup held an informational meeting for local, state, and national organizations interested in improving mathematics teacher education on May 24. Leaders of MTEP 2.0 and the invited leaders of the organizations discussed forming connections, setting goals for partnerships among organizations centered on secondary teacher education, supporting each other in this work, and aligning goals with equity and diversity.
  • The Administrator Working Group met in April and plans to hold briefings for higher education administrators later this summer and K-12 administrators in early September.

  • The Research Hub is currently analyzing data collected during interviews with team networked improvement community (NIC) members during Fall 2023-Spring 2024, with a case summary analysis planned to begin once the interviews are coded and summarized.
  • 2024 Team Report Survey collection is underway, and the hub will summarize these reports later this summer. (Team leaders: don’t forget to complete the team report by Friday, June 28! Contact if you have questions.)
  • The Research Hub launched the NEW Leadership Survey for change agents, which is replacing the former leadership log. Change agents will now be asked to complete the survey only once per quarter and only need to complete the form once per team to record leadership interactions.
  • The Research Hub is shifting its focus slightly to conduct more thorough analysis of the data it has already gathered. The hub will not be conducting interviews of teams or leaders during the 2024-2025 academic year.

  • The Support Hub has been undergoing expansion and reorganization this spring, including welcoming three new members: Amy Bennett, research associate professor, Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Stephanie Casey, mathematics teacher educator, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Eastern Michigan University; and Cyndi Edgington, associate teaching professor, Mathematics Education, North Carolina State University.
  • The hub also introduced subgroups organized around secondary drivers connected to the Support Hub in the MTEP 2.0 Driver Diagram: building a change agent network, building a change coach network, building knowledge of the NIC design, and cross-team improvement.
  • The Change Agent Subgroup is planning change agent check-in meetings in September 2024 and May 2025 as well as quarterly calls for asynchronous engagement.
  • The Fall 2024 NIC-Cast schedule is coming soon!

  • In case you missed it, we have transitioned to for MTEP-related communications. If you haven’t already, please sign up for the communications list!
  • The Admin Hub is also updating the internal MTEP 2.0 contact list and the communications list based on updated team membership documents collected via the 2024 Team Report Survey.

Cross-hub updates
  • The 2025 MTEP Conference will be held as a “conference-within-a-conference” during the 2025 AMTE Conference, February 6-8, 2025 in Reno, Nevada. A draft program will follow soon, but meanwhile, put this event on your calendar!
  • Hub members convened at the Cross-hub Meeting on June 24 to discuss the 2024-2025 MTEP 2.0 strategic plan. Each hub reported on baseline and stretch goals for the coming academic year that will work to achieve MTEP 2.0’s common aim: By 2026, 65 MTEP 2.0 programs (including 11 under-resourced institutions and/or minority-serving institutions) will be actively engaged in an explicit, localized, prioritized improvement process towards alignment with the AMTE Standards and MTEP Guiding Principles in order to increase the number of well-prepared beginning secondary mathematics teachers, foregrounding issues of equity and access both in the objectives and practices of the programs.

We hope you enjoy this new feature and find it valuable in staying connected with all the exciting developments supported by the MTEP 2.0 network. Your feedback is always welcome, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you next quarter.