Save the date: 2025 MTEP Conference-within-a-conference in conjunction with AMTE

The MTEP hub leadership team is pleased to announce the 2025 MTEP Conference-within-a-Conference:

2025 MTEP Conference-within-a-Conference (concurrent with the 2025 AMTE Conference)
Transforming Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Sharing Successes, Challenges and Promising Practices
February 6-8, 2025
Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nevada
Save the date in your calendar

The 2025 MTEP Conference will be held as a "conference-within-a conference" during the 2025 AMTE Conference, February 6-8, 2025, in Reno, Nevada. The purpose of this conference is to build understanding of and engagement in the MTEP 2.0 network in its goal to transform secondary mathematics teacher preparation programs in alignment with the AMTE Standards. The MTEP conference theme will be "Transforming Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Sharing Successes, Challenges and Promising Practices."

The schedule of events tentatively includes:

  • MTEP Convening, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, beginning at 5:30 p.m. PST (hybrid event; dinner provided)
  • Networking Breakfast, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, beginning at 7:00 a.m. PST
  • Sessions related to MTEP embedded within the AMTE Conference program
A draft program will follow soon, but meanwhile, put this event on your calendar! A limited amount of funding will be available to support attendance of MTEP 2.0 teams and others interested in joining MTEP 2.0 at the AMTE and MTEP conferences. Keep up with the latest information at