This month's featured resource is Justice Through the Lens of Calculus: Framing New Possibilities for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, edited by Matthew Voigt, Jess Ellis Hagman, Jessica Gehrtz, Brea Ratliff, Nathan Alexander, and Rachel Levy.
Justice Through the Lens of Calculus is a freely available Mathematical Association of America Notes Volume for anyone interested in building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive math environment into their teaching and departmental practices. The volume contains case studies from over 30 institutions along with eight cross-cutting thematic chapters written by math education researchers. Rather than simply listing best practices, the volume presents struggles, challenges, opportunities and achievements from our colleagues as well as theoretical frameworks and approaches to help us thoughtfully consider the impact of our intent. This volume is well-suited for discussion groups, professional development, workshops or courses on pedagogy. MAA encourages readers to reach out to the authors to learn more and foster dialogue within our community to improve mathematics for everyone!