In mathematics, there is no single universally agreed upon definition of a trapezoid: some mathematicians use an "exclusive" definition (i.e, a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides), and others use an "inclusive" definition (i.e., a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides). This discrepancy makes it important to clarify which definition is being used in a given context.
Historically in MTEP 2.0, we have had various types of subgroups for various purposes. Individual members of MTEP hubs have joined together to form planning groups and committees (e.g., MTEP 2.0 Conference Planning Group); subgroups (e.g., Support Hub Change Agent Subgroup); discussion groups (e.g., breakout groups at MTEP workshops and conferences); working groups (e.g., Policy Working Group); and Research Action Clusters (RACs).
Like the trapezoid, these subgroups may have different definitions in different contexts or when used by different people. Further, the definitions of the types of groups may have shifted over time. Thus, the MTEP Definitions Subgroup emerged to develop the following definitions for the different types of subgroups used in various MTEP contexts.
MTEP 2.0 "subhubs" support the operation of the overall MTEP network by organizing a specific function of one of the Hubs or a cross-hub function, such as conference planning. They are established when members of a given hub or cross-hub members agree to create one. MTEP 2.0’s current subhubs are the following:
- Support subhubs: Change Coaches Subhub, Cross-team Improvement Subhub, NIC (Networked Improvement Community) Design Subhub
- Outreach subhubs: Administrator Subhub, Network Expansion Subhub, Policy Subhub, Public Awareness Subhub, Recruitment Subhub, Social Media Subhub
- Cross-hub subhubs: Definitions Subhub, 2025 MTEP Conference Planning Subhub
Discussion groups
MTEP 2.0 discussion groups are groups of members from various MTEP teams sharing ideas and strategies around common areas of work. Discussion group members learn from and with each other, and these groups will have consistent leader(s) but not necessarily consistent attendance. Discussion group topics are chosen by reviewing the team reports and other data sources. MTEP 2.0 currently has five discussion groups:
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation Discussion Group
- Improving the Functioning of Your NIC Discussion Group
- Partnership Building to Better Engage (or Add) Partners to Your NIC Discussion Group
- Recruitment & Retention for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Programs Discussion Group
- Supporting Early-career Math Teachers Discussion Group
MTEP 2.0 working groups will be coalitions of teams looking to enact common work. Working groups should emerge based on the interests of MTEP 2.0 teams; they can emerge from discussion groups. These groups will have consistent attendance. If you are interested in starting an MTEP 2.0 working group, see the proposed guidelines for working groups.
From MTEP 1.0, RACs are NICs consisting of coalitions of teams that developed and tested program changes and interventions to address particular challenges in the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers. The RACS were formally set up as NICs with aims and driver diagrams. The following MTEP 1.0 RACs are largely inactive, but some persist at some level, for example, PR^2 and CERAC, and new ones may form. The proposed guidelines for creating new RACs are in development.
- CERAC (Clinical Experiences RAC)
- MODULE(S^2) (Mathematics of Doing, Understanding, Learning, and Educating for Secondary Schools) RAC
- Active Learning Mathematics RAC
- STRIDES (Secondary Teacher Retention and Induction in Diverse Educational Settings) RAC
- PR^2 (Program Recruitment and Retention) RAC