Thursday, Feb. 6-Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, Reno, Nevada
MTEP 2.0 Conference-within-a-Conference
Register by Nov. 20, 2024.
The 2025 MTEP Conference will be held as a "conference-within-a-conference" during the 2025 Assocation of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Annual Conference. The theme will be "Transforming Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Sharing Successes, Challenges and Promising Practices." The schedule of events tentatively includes a hybrid MTEP convening (dinner provided) on Thursday, Feb. 6; a networking breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, and sessions related to MTEP embedded within the AMTE Conference program. A limited amount of funding will be available to support attendance of MTEP 2.0 teams and others interested in joining MTEP 2.0 at the AMTE and MTEP conferences. Learn more and register.
Thursday, Feb. 6-Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, Reno, Nevada
29th Annual AMTE Conference
Register by Dec. 15, 2024 (AMTE login required).
The Annual AMTE Conference provides inclusive opportunities for a diverse community of mathematics educators to share current research and practice findings. Additional information and events will be added to the conference website as plans are finalized. For the first time, AMTE will offer a one-day Saturday only registration that includes sessions relevant for K-12 educators and lunch. A virtual option for those unable to attend in person will include the opening keynote session and two plenary sessions, as well as three concurrent sessions during most time slots throughout the three-day conference. AMTE is also offering onsite registration to accommodate last-minute attendees. Learn more about the AMTE conference. Note that the due date for proposal submissions has passed.
Tuesday, June 10-Wednesday, June 12, 2025, virtual
MTEP 2.0 Improvement Science Bootcamp
Save the date.
The MTEP 2.0 Improvement Science Bootcamp will be back for a third year this June. Registration information coming soon!
July 23-24, 2025, Raleigh, North Carolina
ESTEEM Summit: Transforming Mathematics Teacher Preparation for a Data Science and Statistics Future
Apply by Nov. 25, 2024.
AMTE is a member of the networked improvement community for the ESTEEM project, which is focused on transforming the preparation of teachers to teach modern data science and statistics. The ESTEEM project is excited to invite higher education faculty involved in preparing future secondary mathematics teachers (including mathematicians, statisticians, and mathematics teacher educators) to apply to attend the 2025 ESTEEM Summit. The purpose of this summit is to bring together approximately 50 faculty who teach a variety of courses that prepare future secondary mathematics teachers to teach data science and/or statistics or are otherwise involved in secondary mathematics teacher preparation programs. Participants will receive a $750 stipend for participating, travel support for two nights of hotel accommodations, and lunches and per diem for dinners on the days of the summit. Learn more and apply.