By W. Gary Martin, MTEP 2.0 principal investigator and Research Hub member, and Mariya Rosenhammer, MTEP 2.0 Research Hub member
The data is now in from the latest MTEP 2.0 Program Completers Survey, and while perhaps not surprising, it offers valuable insights into trends in the mathematics teacher preparation programs of MTEP 2.0 NICs. Although many institutions are navigating challenges in maintaining enrollment, the data highlights the potential for working together to strategize for growth, given that many of us are in the same boat.
The median number of program completers reported by the MTEP 2.0 institutions has continued its downward trend, as can be seen in Figure 1.
A look at the distribution of program completers for 2023, the last year for which we have data, shows that a number of programs are down in the low single digits, with just a few over 20. (See Figure 2.) Whether you use this data to celebrate your success in surpassing the norm or to commiserate that you are not alone in your struggles, insights from this report can be a powerful tool in discussions with program administrators and colleagues.
In any case, it is clear that we have much work to do in meeting the challenge of preparing enough mathematics teachers. By working together within and across MTEP 2.0 NICs, we can leverage this data to renew our focus and innovate ways to meet the urgent national need for more well-prepared beginning secondary mathematics teachers, particularly foregrounding issues of equity and access.
(Note: The N for 2023 is 31 but varies from year to year due to difficulties in getting timely responses from the MTEP 2.0 NICs. Thus, cross-year comparisons are not completely accurate.)