K-12 schools across the United States has been deeply affected by COVID-19 and the transition to remote instruction. It is particularly important to learn how these events have impacted teaching and learning differently among urban and rural schools.
If you were a K-12 educator during the Fall 2020 semester, you are eligible to participate in a statewide research study. This study, titled Assessing the Impact of Online Platforms Integration in Rural and Urban Schools (Project ID: 21301), is conducted by Keith Tran, undergraduate researcher, and Dr. Leen-Kiat Soh at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. If you choose to participate, you will complete a 15-20 minute survey. Upon completion, you will have the option to enter in the raffle for one of ten $50 gift certificates. Every 15 participants, who opted to be a part of the raffle, will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate.
To learn more about the study, and to participate, please click or paste the following link into your browser: go.unl.edu/teachinglearning
By completing this survey, your participation can help current and future K-12 educators to learn from and adapt to situations such as the pandemic-caused disruption this past two years. Thank you!