Join us for the Nebraska Summit on Math and Science Education on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center, 2021 Transformation Drive in Lincoln, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration is open at https://go.unl.edu/2022-summit-csmce. The registration fee for the conference is $60 per person, but you can ask in the form for a waiver of the fee. Lunch and meeting materials are provided as part of the registration.
A conference pre-session will take place on Friday evening, June 3, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Embassy Suites and feature a plenary talk by Dr. Hortensia Soto of Colorado State University.
The Summit will assemble teacher, district, and state leaders in math and science education to discuss successful models and strategies for more inclusive programming and meet with local and national educational leaders.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Embassy Suites in downtown Lincoln, and we have several rooms still available. The conference will cover a one-night stay for Friday, June 3, and breakfast at the hotel. The online link to reserve a room is included in the registration form. Please register for the Summit as soon as possible to receive free lodging; the block will be released on May 13.
The Summit features the following four distinguished plenary speakers:
• Felicia Moore Mensah, professor of science education and chair of the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at Columbia University. Dr. Mensah is also the co-editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and associate director of the Center for Innovation in Teacher Education & Development.
• Amanda Morales, associate professor of multicultural education and ESOL in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Dr. Morales received the 2020 Latina/o/x Research Issues Special Interest Group Early Career Scholar Award from the American Educational Research Association, which recognizes those who have conducted outstanding research on Latina/o/x issues in education.
• Hortensia Soto, professor of mathematics at Colorado State University. Her publications focus on assessment, mathematical preparation of K-16 teachers, outreach efforts for high school girls, and the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics, where she adopts an embodied cognition perspective. Hortensia is a working member of the MAA and currently serves as the Associate Secretary and is also the MAA President-Elect.
• Mona Toncheff, past president of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Toncheff, an education consultant and author, worked as both a mathematics teacher and as a mathematics specialist for the Phoenix Union High School District in Arizona. She currently serves as a supervisor teacher for the University of Arizona Teach Program.
The complete schedule of events will be updated online as details and breakout sessions are finalized: https://scimath.unl.edu/summit2022/
Register now at https://go.unl.edu/2022-summit-csmce!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee:
• Dr. Beth Lewis, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education and Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education;
• Dr. Michelle Homp, Mathematics and Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education;
• Dr. Mindi Searls, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education;
• Dr. Amanda Thomas, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education;
• Lindsay Augustyn, Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education; and
• Stephanie Vendetti, Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education