UNL’s Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) is excited to announce a special offer for teachers who are taking a graduate course through the NMSSI for the first time! Our Newcomers Program awards a $200 bonus to teachers who are new to the NMSSI**. This fellowship is in addition to the 20% tuition discount for current Nebraska teachers (for courses that are not online asynchronous) and will be added to any NMSSI Fellowships that are awarded for specific courses via that application process. To be considered for the Newcomers program, simply respond “no” to the NMSSI Fellowship application question that asks if you have previously taken any NMSSI courses! Spread the word: The Newcomers offer ends May 31.
Even if this special offer doesn’t apply to you, NMSSI Fellowships are available for all of the NMSSI courses in Summer 2022, in mathematics, mathematics pedagogy, and the sciences, for K-12 teachers. Below are the five science courses that are still available.
To enroll in UNL graduate courses, follow the four steps outlined on the NMSSI website, http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi. Check out our costs page to see how much your tuition will be reduced after the 20% discount and NMSSI fellowships!
* GEOS 898: Weather, Climate and Climate Change, July 11-22, 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., web conferencing
Middle-level and secondary:
* ASTR 892: Life in the Universe for STEM Teachers, June 6-July 8, online and web conferencing (synchronous Zoom meetings from June 27-July 7, M-F, 9 a.m.-noon)
* BIOS 891: Modern Genetics & Inheritance, June 13-24, M-F, 1:30-3:30 p.m., web conferencing
* PHYS 892: Vectors in Introductory Physics, July 18-29, 9 a.m.-noon, Jorgensen Hall, UNL Campus (note: this course is only 2 credits)
* NRES 898: CliMes: Teaching about Earth’s Changing Climate, June 13-17, 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., web conferencing workshop – contact cory.forbes@uta.edu to reserve a spot)
**Some restrictions apply and will be outlined in the award letter. New to the NMSSI means 1) this is your first time taking a graduate course at UNL that has been associated with the NMSSI program and/or 2) you have not taken a graduate course at UNL since 2008 or earlier. The $200 offer is intended to cover the $50 graduate application fee and the potential cost of ordering transcripts, as well as serve as a welcome to our program. This offer ends May 31, 2022.
Questions? Contact laugustyn2@unl.edu