Do you know any current high school juniors or seniors who would be interested in a free field camp to explore the geology of Nebraska, the Medicine Bow Mountains and the Black Hills? Encourage them to apply for the Geoscience Bridge Program.
The Geoscience Bridge Program, which runs July 12-22, 2019, provides a unique opportunity for students to determine if a career in the geosciences is the correct path for them.
All costs for transport, food, and accommodation will be covered by a grant from the National Science Foundation. This fantastic trip can also be tied to a formal course GEOL 197: Fundamentals of Geoscience in the Field, so students can earn 3 college credits* and gain amazing first-hand exposure to geoscience before starting their freshman year at college. Similar trips have been led by the experienced team of UNL geoscientists for more than 10 years.
(* Cost for tuition and fees is not included)
Apply here by April 1, 2019
For more information contact:
Dr. Mindi Searls